Gemini – Divided
Två bröder söner till en skeppsredare skiljs åt av ödet som skickar dem åt olika håll. Alessandro växer upp älskad och priviligierad medan Luca får kämpa på Florens bakgator. Vad som händer när de av en slump träffas blir upptakten på en familjesaga i tre volymer i renässansens Italien sliten mellan stormakterna Venedig, Florens och Vatikanen.
Prologue (Mediterranean 1296)The air was filled with fire and smoke his deck was slippery with blood. All around him wessels of both Genovese and Venetian origin struggled to stay a float. His own crew had been decimated and only half of his men had survived. Still they were the victors. Captain Orlando Barbieri laughed ironically. If this was what victory meant, he would have none of it. The lords of war saw only numbers. Statistically the battle had gone well, outnumbered the Genovese navy had crushed the enemy. Seventy warships against almost a hundred, still they had won. The Venetians had fallen into a classic trap in the dense fog. As the weaker Genovese center had broken they had pursuid only to find themselwes surrounded on all sides.